• Our apprenticeship programs are designed with flexibility in mind. We work closely with employers to understand their specific industry needs and tailor the training curriculum accordingly. This ensures that apprentices are equipped with the skills essential to your business.

    • Yes, many governments and organizations provide financial assistance and incentives to employers participating in apprenticeship programs. These incentives are designed to encourage businesses to invest in workforce development and skills training.

    • Yes, apprenticeship programs are designed to accommodate individuals with varying levels of experience. Your prior experience may be considered, allowing you to join the program at a suitable level.


    • Employers determine the wage they will pay their apprentice, taking into account factors such as the industry standard, level of skill and experience. However, employers must pay apprentices the National minimum wage. Further information can be found here.


    • Levy funds can be used to cover the costs of apprenticeship training and assessment. This includes the training provider's fees, endpoint assessment costs, and any other expenses directly associated with the apprenticeship program. Levy funds are not used to cover apprentices’ wages.

    • A Flexi Job Apprentice Agency (FJAA) is an organization that employs apprentices and places them with host employers. The FJAA takes care of administrative tasks, including payroll, training arrangements, and compliance, while apprentices gain practical experience with host employers.

    • A Flexi Job Apprentice Agency (FJAA) is an organization that employs apprentices and places them with host employers. The FJAA takes care of administrative tasks, including payroll, training arrangements, and compliance, while apprentices gain practical experience with host employers.

    • A Pooled PAYE Scheme for apprenticeships is a system where multiple employers join together to share the apprenticeship training and assessment costs, as well as the responsibility for employing and supporting apprentices.