
Celebrating 262 years of the Marine Society

Celebrating 262 years of the Marine Society

It’s hard to believe, but the Marine Society has been helping seafarers to realise their full potential for 262 years. Here’s a look at our history and what we are doing today.

Portsmouth born Jonas Hanway, a traveller and philanthropist, was well-known for many unusual things, including being the first Londoner to carry an umbrella -  the cause of much ridicule at the time.

In 1756, he called together twenty-two gentlemen to meet at the...

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Resume Hints and Tips

Resume Hints and Tips when coming ashore

Coming Ashore

One problem seafarers face when coming ashore, is the challenge of writing a CV or a Resume. Shore based employers have particular expectations for how a Resume should look, what it should contain and how long it should be. Shore based employers can also be unclear about the details of what working at sea involves.

Our friend, Mike Wall, has written a very good guide to CV or Resume writing for seafarers coming ashore.


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Grammar Saves Lives

Grammar Saves Lives

It’s not often that we get to write a genuinely life-saving post, but today, we may just be able to do so:

“Let’s eat Grandma!”

Wait. Read that again? That’s not quite right. Something is missing.

“Let’s eat, Grandma!”

With one simple comma, we have moved from a potential Goldilocks disaster to a catch up with family. Let’s take a look at another one.

“I like cooking my family and pets.”

Although we all have different passions...

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Exam Preparation in Eight Steps

Exam preparation in Eight Steps

Even though we're still settling in from the Christmas break the January exam period is in full swing and there's only a few months to go before the summer exams commence. It's important to work hard when preparing for exams, but it's also important to work smart. If you fail to plan you are planning to fail so before you hit the books take a look at our eight step exam preparation process:

Now have a break.

For each section, follow the...

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Becoming a Marine Surveyor - Part II

Becoming a Marine Surveyor - Part II

Last week, our guest author, Mike Wall, wrote about the role of a marine surveyor and the opportunities on offer to seafarers who choose it as a career path in this post. This week he tells us about the study pathways on offer for those who wish to go from seafarer to surveyor.

A severe lack of training in developed countries for the 25 or so years from 1975 to 2000 resulted in a shortage of masters and chief engineers coming through to become...

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